This is my first show. I showed two pieces.

It was a group-show during Oct 9-24, 2015, hosted by Paul Fisher Gallery, West Palm Beach, Florida ( The show was organized by Contemporary Art Projects USA, It was a juried show directed by Tata Fernandez, and curated by Silvia Medina. The show was titled “Small Format/Affordable Art”

For more details you can also visit Contemporary Art Projects USA website:

My artworks

I showed the following two artworks:

Mitun, (Left) Runway 1, 10”x12”; (Right) Runway 2, 20”x20”; Digital Art Acrylic print on plexiglass (1/1), 2015.

In the Runway series I was continuing my exploration of focal points and their shifts by human eye, with my combinative approach.

This is a digital painting series – runway models with faces distorted.

Do we look at models on the fashion show ramps, or do we focus on the dresses? As humans where our subconscious tendency cannot ignore faces, how is a face or its legibility connected to the aesthetics of a dress or its commercial marketing aspects? How do the viewers’ eyes move? The Runway series invites these questions.

Some photos of my wall from the exhibition




And lastly, thanks to the organizers. I appreciate their hard work to put the exhibition together. Here they are, Paul Fisher, Silvia Medina and Tata Fernandez (left to right).


Full list of participating artists

Participant Artists: Alicia H. Torres, Amalia Brujis, Andrea Beloff,  John Andro Avendano, Anica Shpilberg, Arlette Darmon, Arnoldo Jordi, Arrachme Art, Beatriz Carcamo, Bibiana Martinez, Carlos A. Pereira, Carlos Martinez Leon, Carlos P. Vidal, Carmen Sasieta, Carol R. Kingsley, Chris Delias, Daniela Sierra, Daniela Valentini, Danny Ramirez, Dario Posada, Diana Bursztyn, Eliel Perez Colon, Elisa Morera, Elizabeth Ames, Ellie Manso, Emilio H. Rodriguez, Eva Rimsky, Evelyn Walg, Fabiola Osorio, Greta Stapf Waterman, Ileana Collazo, Ingrid Lozano, Irina Grammatina, James Rabidoux, Jorge Cavelier, Joseph Conrad-Ferm, Kelly Fischer, Laura Sion, Lifrancis Rojas, Lorena Fernandez, Luis Canizares, Marcio Decker, Maria Ana Davila, Maria Fernanda Lairet, Mark Taylor, Martin Schoffel, Maruchi Carmona, Milixa Moron, Mitun, Monica Loncola, Motoko Oyamada, Nicola Seixas, Nicole Cure, Maria Nielsen Alvarado, Nicola Seixas, Neke Carson, Pablo Marquez, Patricia Edelman, Piasson Art, Raquel Rub, Rebeca Bibas, Ricardo Cardenas, Robin Apple, Rosaria “Aestus”  Vigorito, Rosy Lofer, Samah El Hage, Surekha Sadana, Tania Bakalarz, Valentina Bilbao, William Stalhuth, Yvonne Konig.

71 artists, alphabetically by first name.

By mitun