This series is named ‘Interior with Artwork, Patterns, Pots and Plants’. In this series, I have combined Color Field, Minimalism, Abstract Expressionism, Pattern-making, Block-printmaking, Optical Illusion, and Pop Art. There are 8 pieces in the series, and it is based on a single composition.

The seemingly-simple composition emerged from an inkling, after observing viewers as they observe things. It is an experiment about visual focus. The composition is in itself an intervention designed to classify viewer-focus types. As expected, in the series, I have observed that different viewers focus only on either of the four sects that are depicted: Artworks, Patterns, Pots or Plants. Which type are you focussing on? 

Another interesting thing. Everyone knows of that image with optical illusion that some people first see as duck and some see as rabbit – and then with awareness, the viewer can switch and see both alternatively. Likewise, in this series the patterned base area has been designed to alternate between a table and a floor-rug. When the viewer makes that mental switch alternating between these two, the size of the shapes in the room would seem to fluctuate – going bigger and smaller alternatively. This would not be possible to do as much without the busy patterns.

Image on top:

Mitun, Interior with Artwork, Patterns, Pots and Plants #2, Acrylic and paper on canvas, 20″x16″, Jan 2020.

Mitun, Interior with Artwork, Patterns, Pots and Plants #1, Acrylic and paper on canvas, 20″x16″, Nov 2019.
Mitun, Interior with Artwork, Patterns, Pots and Plants #7, Acrylic and paper on canvas, 20″x16″, Jan 2020.

By mitun