Artist Statement

A combinative representation, and development of a combinative visual lexicon – to explore depiction of how I see and experience the objects and the world around me. In my body of work, I demonstrate the richness of, and the need for, a fusion language, a combination and permutation of all past art styles and movements (-isms) in juxtaposition, as a necessary tool to represent today’s cumulative world knowledge and split-attentions. For example, combining Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, Fauvism, and Op Art in a painting; or Combining Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and color fields. Op Art and optical illusions have a strong presence in my compositions.

This combinative practice provides opportunities for simultaneous depiction of reality and subconscious, fighting aggressively for viewers’ attention. I explore peripheral vision movements and controlling of eye-focus through these compositions.

Example works:

  1. Living a Life series unites Gestural Art + Op Art + Graffiti + collage; 
  2. (Above photo for No. 3) Cloud and City series unites Abstract Expressionism + Minimalism + Abstraction + Color fields; The series combines the chaotic Abstract Expressionistic clouds and unknown sky, with the known simplistic, structured Minimalism of the city.
  3. Runway series combines Digital Abstract Impressionism + Op Art + Color fields + Graphic art. In the series, the human form is blurred and only the glamour is brought to the forefront.

A more detailed statement with artwork-photos in this post.